We recently shot our family Christmas photos with the amazing Molly Sue Photography. I’ve stalked her work on instagram for a while so I was super excited to work with her! This is our second year taking family photos, last year Taylor was only 2 months old and this year she was almost 14 months! I know the thought of planning outfits and getting the family together may seem tiring, but it is SO worth it. Throughout the year you are capturing pictures of your kids or both or your husband but how often is it a FULL family photo? Not that often. So take the photos, you will not regret it.

As tiring as it seems it really isn’t. My first stop is Pinterest, I search “family christmas photos” or “family photos” and just start pinning things I like. You can follow my Pinterest board here. Once I have a bunch saved, I pretty much have an idea of what I want. Last year I wanted lots of plaid and red and this year I wanted to go more neutral.
I also love the look of casual and cozy pictures so I knew I didn’t need to go crazy finding formal outfits. Because I was going neutral, I picked a main color to work with and that was gray. I bought a light gray oversized turtleneck for myself that I wore with jeans and boots I already had. Once you have one persons outfit the rest is easy. Since gray was the color this year I matched a gray vest for my husband and gray knit leggings for Taylor. You don’t have to match the main color exactly, as long as it is a shade of it that is fine. Keeping it neutral I got a cream henley for under my husbands vest and a cream cable knit sweater for Taylor. I linked our full outfits at the bottom of this post.

Even though I was going neutral I knew I want a pop or two of red, it is Christmas! I ordered this pair of matching red beanies for me and Taylor to wear in a few photos.

Photographers love when you bring some props for your photos! I grabbed a bunch of plaid blankets from my house to bring for a few pictures. I used them last year too and loved how they looked! My favorite prop this year was a live pine wreath from Home Depot. Luckily they just put them out for the season. This one had a cheap red bow on it that I cut off and tied a red satin ribbon on it for some photos and left it plain for some too.

And one more thing, once we took all the photos our photographer asked if we wanted one of just me and my husband. Of course I immediately said no thats OK, and she was like are you sure?? Lets just get one, so I said OK. Well guess what? They are my favorite, of course after all the Taylor pictures haha. But I am so happy we took them, and after seeing them it was just such a reminder that there is a “Arthur and Nicki” too, not just mom and dad.

Scroll down to see the rest of our family Christmas pictures! And don’t forget you can click on the picture and add it to your Pinterest board for some inspiration with your own photos!

I hope you enjoyed out family Christmas pictures for this year and schedule some of your own too! Like I said before, you will not regret it!